Good afternoon, team,
Thank you all for sending in responses to the Google Form so quickly, I appreciate it and it helps me plan a little better.
It currently looks like we're pretty split on the lunch so let's just say there's a lunch/social hour from 11 to noon and then we'll hit the ground running around noon. If you wish to exempt the lunch/social that's fine, we promise not to take it personally and we'll see you around noon.
Mainstage applications are now live on the Florida Thespians website
For the playwriting IE let's say that the submission deadline is October 1st - that will give our judges enough time to read, review, and assess the plays. I think we should maintain submitting digital copies rather than physical copies which cost paper, ink, and postage. I will touch base with Randall about how best to do it but it seems like I should be able to create a Google Drive for us to share and upload our plays into our own Troupe Folders, right?
I've talked to a few of you since my previous email and I'm thrilled at the response and everyone's willingness to help out - together we can pretty much do ANYTHING and we're going to have a great festival come hell or high COVID.
Jason Blanks
District One Chair
Florida State Thespians
Fort Walton Beach High School
Sponsor, Troupe 01-4967
Electives Department Chair