Good morning, everyone,
I spent all of last week judging events at both Junior Thespian Regional Festivals and I just wanted to touch base and let you know some of the things I saw and discovered...
You are doing a great job - it's cool, I'm certain of it. You're doing a wonderful job, so just accept that first and then we can move forward from there - go ahead, I can wait. Whatever you need to say or do to convince yourself of this first point, do it now...we can wait.
Good, so you're doing a great job - your kids are also doing a great job. Even the ones who want to quit - even the ones who haven't started - even the ones who think they're done but aren't - they're all doing a great job. All progress is progress.
I saw MANY forms of theatre last week - some videos with two kids wearing masks, some videos with one kid in a mask, some with no kids in masks - some videos had three screens with a performer in two of them and a teacher in one - some videos had two screens with a two performers in one and the teacher in the other one - the point is, there's no ONE right way to do this, everyone. You are the expert in your situation and know how best to handle it - if not, please reach out to someone you trust and they'll help guide you.
This year, more than ever, this festival is about celebrating theatre and how we can make sure that it happens NO MATTER WHAT.
This year, in that spirit of celebrating and conquering the odds, Lindsay our State Chair has decided that any IE with a score of an Excellent or Superior is invited to perform at State this year. Previously we have only taken Superiors and, even then, only a small handful of those from each troupe - this year, in an effort to maximize participation and celebration, all Superior and Excellent IEs are eligible to perform at State. You are free to re-record from Regionals to State to implement notes from judges in order to improve and perfect your performance.
More information on how to proceed to State will be coming soon but I wanted you to know that update ASAP.
Make sure your students are projecting in whatever performance area they find themselves in.
Make sure everyone slates properly (district and troupe number)
You need to make sure that the video uploaded - check it from a different device or log out and then log back in. I encountered a few videos that were not uploaded and we have no way to score them without a video. It may not be possible for everyone to do this but, if possible, I would recommend that you watch the video before you upload it - you may catch something that the student didn't.
And, again, friends and directors, you're all doing an amazing job - I know it may not always feel that way but trust that you are. We made it through the first nine weeks, our Regionals window closes next week, and then assorted holidays are just around the corner and maybe we're a little bit closer to conquering COVID and arranging a return to semi-normalcy (if such a thing even exists anymore outside of urban legends).
I have a conference with Kristen this week with some final notes and details that I will share with you once I receive them but otherwise, we are on track and everything looks to be good to go. I'm super proud of all of you and just think you're the bee's knees :)