Regionals Week email...

Good morning and happy festival week! Here are some final instructions from Kristen who has worked tirelessly to help make all of this happen, we owe her more than we can ever repay! Thank you all for working so diligently to get your stuff filled out and sent in - I'll be contacting a few folks about some uncrossed t's and undotted i's but mostly we're in pretty good shape.

Have an excellent week and please remind remind remind your kids NOT to post or stream anything from the festival including their own IEs



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I can't believe our virtual regional festival is this week. I know you and your troupes are excited to see what this new format will look and feel like. Thank you all for your extraordinary efforts during these challenging times - your students are lucky to have you in their corners - and for your patience and understanding as we created this festival from scratch. It's hard to believe that none of this existed three months ago. We're one of the first states in the nation to tackle the idea of a virtual festival and we have certainly learned A LOT as we've developed this event. It's amazing what we've been able to accomplish in such a short time in the middle of a global pandemic!


December 3-5, 2020

** You will be able to access the festival site for a few days after the event ends but I don't know the exact date your access will expire **


All payments have been processed and updated in the registration system as of 11.25.20. There are still a few troupes who have not sent their payment or who have not submitted one of the required Google forms. These troupes will NOT receive login information until these items are remedied and the account is marked PROCESSED.


Logins and passwords are available to you NOW on the registration website (as long as your account is marked PROCESSED.)

To access your login and password combinations, please follow these instructions:

* Troupe directors - your login and password is the same as what you use to log in to the registration site.

* Hover over the REGISTER drop down menu.

* Click on Students.

* Click on the computer icon with the green arrow and export logins. (If you do not have a computer icon, your payment has not processed and you need to contact Kristen IMMEDIATELY.)

* Click on Chaperones. Follow instructions above.


This is where you, your students, and your chaperones will go to log in.

**Please note: chaperones will need to log in on the Troupe Director side**


Randall Adkison created a tutorial video. It walks you through how to access your student and chaperone logins/passwords as well as showing you how to use the festival access website.


Event scores are still a work in progress (and will likely be for the next several days.)


These scores will not be released until the end of the month. We had over 50 playwriting entries and there were only 12 days from the upload deadline to the festival launch. Our adjudicators need time to successfully review these events and provide the best feedback for our students so we've given them some extra time to score.


For every event category, the top score will receive the distinction of Top Honors. These events will be featured in the final showcase and the students involved will receive a Top Honors enamel pin. Since we are awarding Top Honors based on numeric scores, it is possible that more than one event in each category will be recognized.


If you and your troupe ordered shirts from the services menu, these will be mailed directly to your school (at the address listed in the system.) These are being shipped directly from the printing company so we do not have a specific date when you might receive these.


We are ONE STATE! For this year's festival, the board voted to streamline our awards so every region acknowledges students in the same way. The only awards for this year's festivals will be Superior/Excellent buttons for one acts and IEs and enamel pins for Top Honors in each room. No other awards/trophies will be awarded at the regional level beyond these awards. These awards will be coming directly from the state

Warmest Regards,

Kristen M. Neander

District 12 Thespian Chair

Florida State Thespian One-Act Coordinator

352.212.2251 (CELL)