Good morning, team,
Attached to this email you should find a Slideshow which will help you prepare and guide you through Registration for this year's Regional Festival. There are lots of links in the slideshow which contain websites or helpful information, please check those out. Don't freak out about the Thespian Point Tracker information - we're still waiting for some info from the developers of the site and from the State Board for how to proceed with this but I encourage you to check out the site and start thinking about ways to implement it into your troupe culture.
Please don't freak out over the changes that are happening this year - it's not as overwhelming as it may first seem. If you ever feel like you need some help or just want to vent about something, please feel free to reach out to me, I am available. My phone is currently acting crazy and seems to insist that my Voicemail is full but it's NOT - so the best way to get me is probably through text and I'll call you back.
Please DO NOT attempt to register before our window opens - I mean, if you're determined to try it anyway, go ahead but it won't work for you so best to please just remain patient and get your ducks aligned so that when our window opens you'll be able to hop online and get it done.
This is not meant to overwhelm, intimidate, or freak you out - it's meant to allow the possibility of a festival and a guaranteed event for our students which is important because there are SO few guarantees this year, please help make sure this one is exciting and something you all look forward to.